Going to the bathroom can be a job for some people. Being regular is required for optimal wellness. If the body doesn’t release waste, the body can and will become imbalanced.
Causes for Constipation
Dehydration or Too much hydration
Not eating enough fiber
Electrolytes being imbalanced
Not enough physical activity
The first thing that a person will go to for constipation issues are laxatives.
Taking a laxative is the worse thing that you can
to turn to, because it can actually make the problem worse.
Laxatives tend to cause dependency and dehydration.
Natural Colon Cleanse
Filtered Water
Half of Lemon
Get a blender
Place a stalk of celery in the blender
2 cups of water and a half of lemon.
Drink this daily
By the second day, you should see a huge change.
Keeping a regular system leads to:
Better skin
Better sleep
Healthy Weight Adjustment
Better Menstrual cycles
Smaller Belly
Less Bloating
Better Moods
Clearer Thinking
Try a holistic approach to this problem. We have wellness coaches available to help you with your wellness concerns. Go to the group below.
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