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What To Expect When You Start A Plant Based Diet

When starting a lower meat lifestyle..getting your protein becomes a challenge. The first thing that happens when you are starting less meat is more urine output. Once this happens,both magnesium and potassium can become deficient. When you start to experience deficiencies, your body tells you to quit. This is why many are not able to continue in this manner. Before you start a new lifestyle regimen, you must connect it to something that is dear to you. Do not do it because you saw this article, or you see your co-worker changing their diet. You want to start this type of lifestyle for energy and to feel better. I personally started to do this to get more energy. I have a large work load daily and my energy levels could not support my daily duties. I did the research and I just eventually realized that my body just works better with less meat intake. Here is what you should expect. More energy You will just have so much energy that you may not know what to do with it. One tip is to start to exercise. All of this newfound energy must be efficiently worked out. If it’s not, the extra energy will have adverse effects on you. Sleep will improve Get ready for all types of dreams to come your way. The brain is able to get into deep sleep when your body has less
meat in it. Meat tends to back up in the system over time. This leads to all types of problems. Your circadian rhythm’s will balance out. Brain fog will go away Your mind will start to fire off much better. If you are dealing with emotional problems, less meat will help to balance that out. Memory will improve If you are finding out that you are becoming forgetful, eating less meat will certainly help you out. Weight Management will improve Due to the fact that your energy will increase , your metabolism will improve. Having a well functioning metabolism will help you to metabolize your food much better. You will get out of the fat storing business and you will start burning the fat. Stress management will improve If you are dealing with anxiety, worry or anger, less meat intake will help you to improve this. This is due to the fact that you will be circulating less insulin in your body. Insulin causes spikes and drops in blood sugar. This causes your emotions and stress to go into over drive. Digestion improvement If you are finding that you are bloated all of the time, eating less meat will help with that. This will help with having your abdomen being distended. You will also be able to absorb nutrients better. So if you are looking to change your lifestyle, but you are not sure at where to start…get you a Holistic Practitioner today.

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