Easiest Faux Locs | No Wrapping 🔥 No Cornrows | Very Detailed | + How To Remove Individual Crochet

1. Locs can be Temporary OR Permanent Faux locs come in a semi-permanent form in which natural hair is wrapped with yarn, synthetic or human hair. This temporary system lasts up to three months and is often called a protective style because it doesn't require you to alter the chemical or physical state of your natural hair. The permanent form of faux locs is just as it sounds- permanent. So don't enter into this venture lightly. For this style, human hair is wrapped around your natural hair or actual human hair locs are attached to your roots. That's right, dreadlocks from another person's head are attached to yours. Our natural hair can be re-twisted and turns into a loc as the hair grows. 2. Choose the Right Texture Since you have human hair, synthetic and yarn fiber as options, be sure your stylist evaluates the strength of your natural hair. Yarn is the most lightweight and will not pull the hair down as much. Human hair is more dense and allows a bit more flexibility. Synthetic, which is the most popular, comes in numerous textures and offers the most flexibility, but is heavy. Be sure, if you opt for a large size faux synthetic loc, you
leave perimeter hair strands out to alleviate hairline stress. 3. Pick Color Wisely Faux locs are the ultimate protective style because they literally "loc you in" for a period of time. With that said, pick your color wisely! Warm brown and red tones are great for fall and often come blended with a dark brown or black. Going darker means it will blend well with your natural color and be less shocking of a transition. 4. Commit to a Manageable Length The longer the loc, the heavier the load. Regardless of fiber, be careful when choosing the diameter and length of your faux locs. For ones like Ciara, go for a diameter of a dime or nickel and a length of just below shoulder length. 5. Maintain Positive Hair Care The term protective style doesn't mean neglected style. Hair care and maintenance is a must for faux locs! You should oil your scalp daily, wash and condition at least bi-weekly, and take a daily vitamin. You'll be surprised to see the luxurious glow your hair has after its faux locs transformation! There are 2 must-have items for taking care of your lovely faux locs, we highly recommend Loc Butter by Carol's Daughter as well as Black Vanilla Hair Sheen.

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